MiniMed Mio Advance Infusion Set 10 Box ( All Sizes To Choose From )

MiniMed Mio Advance Infusion Set 10 Box ( All Sizes To Choose From )

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MiniMed Mio Advance Infusion Set

This MiniMed Mio Advance infusion set is Medtronic's newest infusion set. The MiniMed Mio Advance is a 90-degree infusion set that is pre-loaded, simple to hold, plus there's only one button to press for insert. The infusion set offers an all-in-one inserter design and hidden needle before, during, and after use. MiniMed's Mio Advance infusion set doesn't require as many steps for insertion compared to other infusion sets available - so less to remember and less to do!

Medtronic Mio Advance Infusion Set Features:

  • Four steps to insert the infusion set.
  • One handed insertion (left or right hand).
  • All in one insertion design, no separate inserter is needed.
  • Hidden needle throughout insertion.
  • 90° Insertion.
  • 90° Soft non-stick cannula.
  • Audible click indicates a secure connection.

Package Includes:
Medtronic MiniMed Mio Advance Infusion Set  - 10/bx